Welcome to the Chair of Turbomachinery
Chair holder: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank-Hendrik Wurm

The Chair of Fluid Machinery at the University of Rostock had been vacant since 2001 and was filled on 1 October 2010. Since its reestablishment, the chair is continuously being built up and currently employs eleven scientific staff.
The research work at the Chair of Fluid Machinery deals with both theoretical-numerical and experimental topics. Application-related focal points are the investigation and optimisation of fluid mechanical, acoustic and thermodynamic processes in turbomachines.
The chair's courses are aimed at students of the Bachelor's degree programme in Mechanical Engineering and the Master's degree programmes in Mechanical Engineering, Marine and Ocean Engineering and Mechatronics as well as students of the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in Industrial Engineering and Management.
Dear students,
Just like the past winter semester, the current summer semester presents both learners and teachers with great challenges. While we as staff can and may only work in a limited way ourselves, we still want to offer you the most educational semester possible. To this end, we will be offering the following courses in digitalised form:
- Piston and Turbomachinery,Turbomachinery (Dr. Witte, Herr Hieke)
- Fundamentals of Turbomachines and Wind Turbines (Dr. Torner, Herr Rathje)
- Thermal Turbomachinery (Prof. Dr. Wurm, Herr Werner)
- Foundations of Acoustics (Dr. Witte, Herr Ospel)
- Management of Development Teams and Projects (Prof. Dr. Wurm, Frau Kowalski)
The implementation of the courses in digital form has already proven itself in the past semesters and for this reason this arrangement will be retained for both the lecture and the exercise. If you have any questions, you can find further information either on Stud.IP (the digital lecture rooms can also be found there), on our subpages for the respective courses or by sending a direct message to the respective person responsible.
Student research projects and theses will continue to be assigned and supervised. You can find an overview of current topics here.
We wish you all a successful semester and stay healthy!